Attention All Captains:
Below is some VERY important information
that ALL captains of ALL boats must be
familiar with so you know what your responsibilities are and so that
you are best prepared and you have the most fun.
These parties are lots of fun, but
they do require proper organization to make it the success that it
is, so please be sure to read all the information below.
You can also find more valuable
information & details by
Clicking Here. |
Important Information:
Join The Party For FREE:
The party is Totally Free to all
of those first-timers with boats that follow these posting steps shown below for making your
reservations and posting to help spread the word. For those that
don't follow these posting steps, then click here to see your requested
For Party
come prepared
- Bow Anchor with anchor line
at least 150' long.
- All boats over 30' must have
a stern line 100' long with anchor.
- Enough lines to tie your boat
securely to the boats next to you.
- Enough good quality fenders
to protect the boats you're rafted next to.
- Liability Waivers - Keep
reading for details below.
Wristbands Needed By Everyone: This is a private party
by invitation only and everyone attending MUST be wearing their wristband
given to them when they first arrive. ONLY those that complete, sign
and deliver the liability release waiver with their donation upon rafting up, will be given a
wristband. All others will be turned away. For complete
details, be sure to Read
This Page. Extremely Important
Attendance Confirmations: Everyone must confirm their
attendance by Registering on the Bulletin
Board and posting your Reservation Confirmation.
This is VERY Important for a
number of reasons. First, posting your reservation helps us to
spread the word and promote these events, but equally as important,
sometimes we have last minute changes that we need to notify you about.
Sometimes we go to a location that has a
small beach that will only fit about a dozen boats, so if we have
50 boats attending, then we plan for a location that will
accommodate everyone that wants to attend. Single
guys must also tell us exactly how many people will be on your
boat and each one of them must send a photo and each one must be
individually invited for attendance. If a single sailor is
invited and shows up with a boat load of single guys, he will be
turned away and removed from our regatta party invitation list.
Single Sailors must
read this.
All boats over 30' PLEASE
be sure to bring a long stern line and anchor for ALL
regattas so we can always be sure we've got plenty of lines to keep
us safely in place during the night through out these unpredictable weather times
just in case the weather kicks up.
Arrival Times:
Click Here for Complete Raft
Up Order & Details. Registered boaters with swim platforms
that are spending the night that posted their
for the regatta on the
Bulletin Board
welcome to arrive as early as they like.
When rafting up, we request that you arrive within
your raft
time. You can arrive later if you
want to, but as you will read, you might not be able to raft up with the group and will have to
anchor nearby and swim or dingy over to our party. (Click
Here for Complete Raft Up Details). Or if you
can raft up with us, you will be on the end rafting up to the boats
without swim platforms which will make it a "climbing effort" every time
you want to visit all the other boaters. (When we
are meeting at Haulover Marina to cruise as a group to our
location, then we leave exactly at the designated time so don't be
late or you'll be left behind, or you can simply cruise on your
own and meet us at our destination).
Last Minute Notices:
Go to this page the morning of
the regatta before heading out in your boat. This is where
you will find any last minute changes, or special notices that you
will need to know. Just in case the weather or any other
unforeseen circumstances has caused us to make a destination
change, we wouldn't want you going to the wrong location and not
be able to find us. So please always be sure to check here
the morning of the regatta
for any special last minute notices.
- Raft Up Order:
of the most important things that make our regatta events so
successful, is the social environment that we create.
Look at these pictures and you'll see what we mean. To
create this social environment, it is of utmost importance to have all dive/swim platforms
lined up right next to each other so that it's easy for everyone
to stroll along a loooooong row of boats tightly tied together.
This creates a VERY social atmosphere for everyone to easily visit
each other visiting boat to boat and making new sexy friends.
If you don't want to have your dive platform lined up with the
boats you're rafted up with, that's no problem at all, you will be put on the farthest
outside boat after 2:00 with the sailboats and other boats that
don't have swim/dive platforms so that you don't create a break in the
middle of all the joining platforms.
For complete Rafting Up details, you
must read and be familiar with this page.
With Fenders Down & Lines Ready & Liability Waivers Signed: Have your boat prepared and
ready before you make your
to the raft up. Have at least two or three fenders tied to
both sides of your boat so you'll be ready to raft up on either side, and
the other side of your boat will then be ready for the next arriving boat
to raft up to you. Have your bow and stern lines tied securely
and ready to throw to those helping you on the boat you're rafting up to.
Radio Channel 72: Please be sure to call us on channel 72.
Just ask for "the Barbie Party" and tell us your registered Bella Vita
name and we'll tell you which end of the raft up you'll be tying to.
Don't "CRASH" The Party: Go
VERY slow when approaching. You're not in a hurry, so take
your time being extra careful not to crash into any boats. Use the
"bumping" technique, (no NOT "bumping into boats" but using "intermittent
throttle". Put your boat in gear for just a second. As soon as
you feel the "bump" then take it out of gear again. That helps you
gently ease into position without having to go at full idle speed.
If you need to stop and start all over again and make a new approach in
order to be safe and not risk damage to the boat you're rafting up with,
then that's okay... whatever it takes for you to come in smoothly and
slowly for a safe landing.
Boats Without Dive/Swim
Platforms: Not everyone has a swim platform on the back
of their boat (many large yachts, sport fishing boats and almost
all sailboats don't have them) and that's okay, we still want you
to join us, you will be rafted up to the farthest outside boat
(after 12:00 if you're staying overnight, and after 1:00 if you're
just here for the day), when all the other boats with swim platforms have
already arrived and have already rafted up.
Click Here for Complete Raft Up
Big Yachts & Small Boats:
We ask that everyone arrive within two hours of the regatta's
starting time so that we can more effectively coordinate the raft
up. (Some Early
Birds & Eager Beavers even like to arrive the night before
on Friday to get the party started early) We like to raft boats of
similar size together, gradually working our way from
large yachts (with big anchors) in the middle stepping down to
smaller boats on each side. This order changes of course if
you don't have a swim platform and then you will be placed as the
end boat of the raft-up. Small day-boats, run-a-bouts,
wave-runners, jet skis, kayaks,
canoes and sunfish sailboats are all welcome and they are simply
tied to the back of the already anchored boats as shown in this
early Sunday morning photo.
- Early Leavers: If you
don't plan on staying until at least
Sunday afternoon, then let us know so we can put you on the
outside of the raft up so when you decide to leave it's easy for
you to simply untie and drive away, without causing a lot of
reorganizing of the boats to fill in your missing space.
Nobody has to stay for the entire raft up even if you are tied up
in the middle of all the boats. We know that things happen,
so if for any reason you want or need to leave the party before
all the other boats are breaking up on Sunday, then we are always
happy to untie you and help carefully slide you out from between
the two boats you're rafted with. But if you know ahead of
time that you will definitely be leaving early, then please let us
know so we can better coordinate where to place you in the raft
- Don't Forget To Bring:
Don't be a "Gooch
The Mooch" . Bring your own lines, fenders and
anchors. I know this sounds very basic but you'd be
surprised at how many people arrive with no anchor and expect to
raft up with everyone planning on them holding their boat.
Some have even arrived with no lines to tie up into the raft with,
and the worst is when someone doesn't bring their own fenders.
Remember that if you don't care if your boat gets banged up, the
person you want to raft up with most likely does care about
their boat so everyone is required to bring nice big fenders that
are substantial enough to protect the boat they are rafted to.
Bring an anchor that is substantial
enough to hold your boat and bring your own lines to tie up with.
15. We Like It Tight:
When rafting up and lining up the dive/swim platforms, (Like
in all the photos on this page) it is very
important to tie your boat VERY tight with the boat next to you.
This does a few things for you. It prevents the boats from
bouncing around so you have a much more stable boat, making
cooking, eating, sleeping and everything else much easier.
It makes it much safer when walking from your boat to the other
boats on each side of you because there is much less movement
between boats. It greatly reduces the chance of damage from
banging your boat against your adjoining boats. So hang your
fenders, line up your swim platform with your adjoining boat's
platform, then tie your boat with your adjoining boat as tightly
and securely together as you can, squishing the fenders between
your boat and the one you're rafting up against, and enjoy your safe, stable
secure party place.
- 16. Food & Drinks:
Bring enough food, drinks and
all the provisions you need for everyone on your boat.
Everyone usually shares food and drinks and hosts cocktail parties
and happy hours on their boats and it's a lot of fun, but the rule
of thumb is to be sure you've got enough for everyone on your boat
so that none of your guests go hungry.
- Single Sailors:
Single guys don't forget to
Click Here and Read
This Page and all it's links Completely. Please remember that saying,
"I didn't know I was supposed to read anything" or "I
didn't see that page" is no excuse. You will not be allowed in the raft
up until you've emailed us confirmation that you've read these
pages and links and that you agree to follow all the rules and
have sent us photos of yourself. And if you show up without
confirmation, then you will be turned away. Sorry, that's
the rules so please follow them.
- Bulletin Board Registration &
Reservation Confirmations:
is required to Register on the Bulletin Board
and post their Reservation Confirmation. You can also post
if you want to find a sexy
shipmate to join you on your boat, OR those of you without boats can post that
you are
seeking a ride to one of our Naked Regattas. Post
your details on our Bulletin Board
including what you have and what you're looking for or what you
want and/or need. Be sure to include your email address so
people can contact you. Who knows... you just might find
yourself a new sexy, fun playmate! Those not posting cannot
be guaranteed a spot in the raft up line AND will be required to
pay, based on the sliding scale at this link:
Price For Party
- Love Thy Neighbor:
If you want to be sure that you'll love the neighbors you'll be
rafted with for the weekend, then be sure to check out the
Frequently Asked Questions and read the
section, "How Can I Be SURE I'm Rafted Against A Hot Sexy
Couple I Want To Be Neighbors With for the weekend?"
- Generators: Many
boats attending our regattas have generators. PLEASE be
respectful of your neighbors. Any generators that disturb
the surrounding boats, may not be used. If you have a smoky
generator, you know it, so please don't make your new neighbors
tell you that it is ruining their BBQ before you turn it off.
- Any generators that are
excessively loud and/or produce lots of smoke and/or fumes, then
make sure you are at the end of the raft-up and downwind of
everyone else, or the generator must not be used. If the
wind shifts so that your pollution blows on the party, then please
turn it off.
- Any generators that
discharges oil, soot, carbon or anything into the water that makes
the water unsightly and not perfect for swimming, then those
generators may NOT be turned on until after midnight when everyone
is done swimming, and must be turned off by 7:00 AM. (No
matter how fresh, clear and blue the water is, when there is an
oil slick or carbon floating on top of it, it ruins swim time and
gets into people's hair and all over their naked bodies and floats
and water toys).
- Any generators that cause
the surrounding boats' carbon monoxide alarms to go off, must not
be used.
- Carbon Monoxide Alarms:
ALL boats, regardless if you have a generator or not, MUST have
a CO alarm if you are spending the night. Remember that
deadly carbon monoxide fumes from other boats can drift into
your boat while you're sleeping, so as a safety precaution, all
boaters that are spending the night must have an alarm. If
you don't have one, you can buy one at Walmart for only $30 in
the fire alarm department. It could save your life.
- Be Familiar With All Areas Of
This Website: There is lots of valuable information on
this website and lots of it gets updated with more information as
it becomes available. All pages are listed on the left and
when they are updated we indicate it so you can see what's new.
Don't miss the Frequently Asked Questions
page, and
Regatta Details page.
- Garbage & Trash: Yes
we know that lots of garbage is biodegradable and that the crabs
love to eat chicken bones and other garbage. But
please feed them some other time and never at this regatta.
It's never fun to be swimming totally naked under bright sunny
skies, in beautiful blue water, and then get the feeling that
you're swimming in the dish-water because you have watermelon rinds,
chicken bones, shrimp tails or cigarette butts and other garbage
floating by you.