ALL blank spaces on the liability
release waiver must be filled in and completed in CLEAR BLOCK PRINTING, dated and signed, AND a
witness must also sign for each person. Since there are
multiple people on your boat, then they can all witness for each other.
This is VERY
important. This protects EVERYONE, including boat
captains and party-goers, so that you, (or we), cannot be sued by
someone that gets drunk on your boat and twists their ankle or slips
on your dive platform or falls down your ladder or whatever.
Everyone is responsible for themselves.
It also gives us an account of who
everyone is, in case someone's behavior is such that we need their
name and email address for future banning and other purposes.
attending the regatta is responsible for printing and bringing their
own waivers. If you don't bring your own waivers, then
we will provide them to you for a $20 donation for each waiver.
A separate waiver is needed for each person attending. Have
your waivers completed and ready to hand to your
boat captain when you board his boat, and all boat captains have
them ready to hand over at the regatta before rafting up.
NO ONE will be
admitted without a signed waiver. Everyone will keep
page 1 & 2 for themselves to read and for reference when they get home
after the party, (please always be sure to post comments about
each party you attend in the bulletin board in the "Past
Party-Goers" section). Everyone will fill out page 3 and give to the
boat captain to give to us upon arrival.
When you are
approaching the regatta, you will call us on channel #72 and
ask for the Barbi Party. Tell us the name you registered as on
the Bella Vita bulletin board and how many total passengers you
have, both male and female and that you have everyone's clearly
filled out and signed liability waivers in your hand to deliver upon
rafting up.
Once you have rafted up you will
exchange your waivers and donations for wristbands. You will only be given
one wristband for each signed and completed waiver that you deliver.
Everyone must have their wristbands on the entire time at the party.
If anyone does not have a wristband on, they will be asked to leave
and the captain that brought them will have some explaining to do.
We ask that
you NOT allow anyone on your boat that does not have a wristband on.
To do so, does not help us enforce the rules and means
they have not signed a liability waiver so you are responsible for
anything and everything that happens to them on your boat, and if
you brought them, you could be held responsible for anything they do
on anyone's boat. So please help protect everyone by printing
out this simple waiver and being sure that everyone you bring has
signed it, and report anyone without a wristband to us. Those
people can party somewhere else.
We know that this isn't a fun side of
the party, (believe me it's a MUCH bigger headache for us than it is
for you) but it is a necessary side of it in order to keep
everyone safe in this sue-crazy world. We've done the hard
part of putting together a simple system to protect everyone, and we
need everyone's help to follow and help enforce all the rules for the
security and
protection of us all. |