Frequently Asked Questions:
We know that these regatta boat
parties are not like any
other boat party in the world, so you probably have questions.
If we haven't answered your questions on the other pages in this
website, then maybe it's answered here, and if not, then email Barbi
at BlondeFlasher@aol.com
and you'll get a quick reply and probably add your question to this
page for others to see too.
You can also find more valuable
information & details by
Clicking Here so please be sure that you've read all pages
before emailing your questions because the answer is probably
already here somewhere. |
Important Information:
All Of This Is A LOT Of Time & Money, Who Pays For All Of This? -
That's a very
good question. In 2005
we got involved in developing
a property developed by
as a clothing-optional, adults-only lifestylel-friendly,
recreational playground. As a way of helping to spread the word
TropicalParadiseCondo.com and
we created
BellaVitaBoatClub.com so
that helps to offset lots of the expenses that we have.
The rest is paid for by the generous donations of our boat club
members who cheerfully donate $20 to each party they attend.
- Do I Have To Get Naked? - NO.
Not at all. We call it a "Totally Naked Swinger's
Boating Regatta Party" but it's "Clothing-Optional" so you don't have to get naked if you
don't want to. If you look at all the pictures, you'll see
that usually about half are naked and half are not
so do whatever is most comfortable for you.
- Do I Have To Be A "Swinger"?
- NO. Not at all. Similar to the "Naked" question
above, we call it a "Totally Naked Swinger's Boating Regatta
Party" but you don't have to be a "swinger" and you don't
have to "play" anymore than you "have to be naked". Our
parties attract lots of swingers, nudists, exhibitionists,
voyeurs, nude recreationists and people that like to keep their
cloths on but just love being in a wild party environment with
lots of other fun party boaters. If you like fun and you
like people and you like boating, then this is for you.
- Is Everyone At The Party A
"Super-Model" With A Perfect Body? - Not hardly!
Maybe in a perfect world, but not at this party. Our parties
attract adults of all ages from 21 on up and lots of them
DO have hot, tight, super-model bodies, but there
are also lots that don't. So don't worry about what kind of
body you have because there will always be lots of others with
better, (and lots with "not better") bodies so you will
blend right in and be very comfortable no matter what your body's
age, size, shape or type. If we all waited
until we were 100% satisfied with our bodies before we went to a
party, then NONE of us would be going
anywhere because there will always be something that we wish was
better about ourselves. So lighten up baby! Relax,
come enjoy yourself! This is all just about having fun!!!
- Are Single Guys Invited? -
A limited number of
Single Sailors are invited, but they must
Click Here and Read
This Page and all it's links Completely. Please remember that saying,
"I didn't know I was supposed to read anything" or "I
didn't see that page" is no excuse. You will not be
allowed in the raft up until you've emailed us confirmation that
you've read these pages and links and that you agree to follow all
the rules and have sent us photos of yourself. And if you
show up without confirmation, then you will be turned away.
Sorry, that's the rules so please be sure to follow them.
- Are Single Girls Invited? -
Of Course! And there are usually a few of
them at every party. Lots of times girls without boats will
post on our
Bella Vita Bulletin Board Forum
looking for a ride so be sure to check that link often if you'd
like to be her captain and bring an extra girl along with you.
Girls, be sure to post on our
Bella Vita Bulletin Board Forum
or email Barbi directly at
BlondeFlasher@aol.com if you need a ride.
- Is There Anything I
Absolutely NEED To Know? - YES... LOTS!
- Everyone needs to read and be familiar with the pages titled
"Must Read" and
"Regatta Details" and
"Raft Up Order".
- Single
Sailing guys must read "Single
- Couples without boats
should read "Don't Have A Boat?
NO Problem baby!"
- Newbies who've never been
to a swing club or lifestyle event should read,
"What To
- Can I Go To The Party Even If
I Don't Have A Boat? - YES! We have a
section on the
Bella Vita Bulletin Board Forum just
for YOU!
Those with boats that are seeking sexy
shipmates, OR those of you without boats that are
seeking a ride to one of our Naked Regattas, then post
your details on our
Bella Vita Bulletin Board Forum
including what you have and what you're looking for
or what you want and/or need. Be sure to include your email address so people
can contact you. Who knows... you just might find yourself a new sexy, fun
- Can I Go Even If I Don't Have
A Boat And Haven't Met Anyone On The
Bella Vita Bulletin Board Forum
To Ride On Their Boat? YES!!!
We have a free limo shuttle
boat for you.
- Can I Go To The Party Even If
I Just Have A Jet Ski or A Rowboat? - YES!
Go to the "Must Read" page and
see the "Big Yachts & Small Boats" section.
- Can I Leave Anytime I want To
Or Am I Stuck In The Middle Of 30 Boats For The Weekend? - Go
to the "Must Read" page and see
the "Early Leavers" section.
- How Can I Be SURE I'm Rafted
Against A Hot Sexy Couple I Want To Be Neighbors With? - That
is another good reason for the
Bella Vita Bulletin Board Forum.
Post your photo on the board saying you want to be rafted with
another hot, sexy fun couple. (Or maybe rafted with other
couples in your age group where you'll have the most fun).
Then when you get replies from other couples, you can email
directly with them to make plans to arrive at the regatta at the
same time. Maybe you'll meet 4 or 5 couples from the
Bulletin Board and you ALL want to be rafted up together in our
regatta. No problem baby! Just make plans to arrive
with your new friends at our regatta at the same time. Then
just hang out near our naked regatta, and when your entire party
has arrived, radio us to let us know, and we'll raft you all up
together inline with the rest of our regatta. Now it's
party time baby!!!
- What Is The First Step? -
The first step is to register on the
Bella Vita Bulletin Board Forum
and make a thoughtful posting.
Registering on the
Bella Vita Bulletin Board Forum
and posting your Reservation Confirmation is VERY Important
for a number of reasons. First, posting your reservation
helps us to spread the word and promote these events, but equally
as important, sometimes we have last minute changes that we need
to notify you about. These
parties are free and take a lot of time and effort to organize and
we don't ask anything from you except to help spread the word to
make them bigger and more fun. Posting to the website
regularly helps to create activity on the website and gets people
talking and spreading the word about our next big upcoming TOTALLY
NAKED BOATING REGATTA. These events are growing very fast
thanks to those that have been helping to spread the word.
Those that don't register on the website and don't help spread the
word aren't really contributing anything to help the parties and
won't be on the reservation list when they try to raft up with
the regatta. These people are known as
"Gotta Nada" because they "Got
Nothing to say". So please be sure to register and then do
your share by posting to help spread the word. To make sure
you know what a "Thoughtful Posting" is, go to
"Definitions" and read, Gotta
Nada, Lame Brain and Thoughtful Posting.
- How Do I Make A Posting In
Bella Vita Bulletin Board Forum? -
To register your Reservation
Confirmation, simply follow these easy steps:
- First, be sure you are using
Internet Explorer for your browser and not AOL. AOL users
Click Here for instructions on using
a browser that is NOT AOL. AOL's browser cannot handle the
complex programming in these forums and much of the graphics on
this website.
Click Here to go to the Bella Vita Bulletin Board Forum,
- then click on, "Bulletin Board,
Register Here",
- then choose your UserName and
Password that you will always use to access this forum.
Remember that it is cAsE sEnSiTiVe so be sure to type it exactly
how you will want it to appear and how you will always type it to
enter the site.
- The forum will send you an email
for you to confirm and validate your membership. Click the
link in this validation email to activate your membership.
- Now you're ready to log in and
start posting.
- Then to create a
& profile, click on "My
Controls" in the top right corner.
- then click "Edit Avatar"
to upload a picture of yourself or your party group or even your
boat, so people can see who is coming to the party.
- Then, click the Forum topic
titled, "Post Your Confirmation Here For The Next Regatta",
- then click the party month you
are confirming for
- and then click "Add Reply". (I
know it sounds a bit confusing, but it's not, just follow these
instructions step by step) and you'll be a posting professional in
no time! :)
Make a nice, detailed
thoughtful posting telling people about you (if you're new,
your experience in the lifestyle, your boat (if any) and that
you're going to the party and what you've heard about it, anything
you can think of that will make people interested in you and
excited to meet you. Remember that only boring people write
boring postings, so make the best first impression you can...