Temptation Island

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Welcome to Temptation Island

All Swing Club Members Unite For

Temptation Island

All Members From All The Swing Clubs Together for The Wildest Boating Sandbar Party Ever!

Limo Shuttle Boat!
(See Schedule & Map Below)

We don't want ANYONE to be left out, even if you don't have a boat.

That's right, if you are a couple or a single girl and you or your friends need a ride to the regatta, then you can take the Limo Shuttle Boat!  Just about every month at least a few boat captains volunteer to bring people to the party.  Sometimes several boats and sometimes only a few, but there is usually someone offering a ride, to the party, from the party, or round-trip to the party and back again... YOUR job is to read their postings in the forum, and make sure that YOU have a profile and photo and posting that is exciting enough to make them want to bring you out with them! :)

The Limo Shuttle Boat is for people that have made arrangements to meet someone and spend the day on their boat, but they need a ride out to the party to get to their friend's boat.  You can ask the volunteer limo shuttle boat captains if you can stay on their boat, or you can reply to all the postings in the forum where people are offering you to join them on their boat, but you must have a specific destination that you are going to so the shuttle captain knows which boat to drop you off with all your towels, food, drinks and things.

The "Limo Shuttle Boat" works similar to a bus service and NOT a taxi service.  That means:

  • What The Shuttle Does Do:  It departs from one specific location at a scheduled time and goes straight to a specific destination with no stops in between, exactly the way a bus service works, (except for this is more reliable and is an express non-stop service not like the Miami public bus system LOL)
  • What The Shuttle Does NOT Do:  It does NOT work like a taxi.  It is not an "on-demand" service that will give you a free ride to a free party picking you up from wherever you'd like to be picked up from, at whatever time you want to be picked up, and then take you back whenever you want to leave to anywhere it is you'd like to be taken.  THAT is what your own boat is for LOL.
Remember that this is a free service provided by volunteers doing you a favor that want to help out so PLEASE follow the Do's & Don'ts below:

Please Don't:

  • Please don't ask them to pick you up at any different locations than specified. They cannot.
  • Please don't ask them to make any special stops to pick up your friends, they cannot, this is an express non-stop shuttle.
  • Please don't ask them to take you back from the party at any time other than the scheduled return trip time.  They cannot.
  • Please don't ask them to drop you off an anyplace other than the where you were originally picked up from.  They cannot.

Please Do:

  • Please read the map below so you know exactly where you're going.  When we are at the regatta, we don't want phone calls from people that are lost and don't know where to park and meet the shuttle boat because they didn't read the map.
  • Please make sure that you've arranged for a ride to the party and back to the marina again.  There are usually tons of rides you can get back to the marina on Sunday since everyone is leaving the party and many of us drive right past the marinas on our way home.  So if you can stay until Sunday, finding a ride back to the marina is never a problem.
  • Please show up early BEFORE the scheduled shuttle time.  That is the time that the shuttle leaves the dock, NOT the time for you to show up and begin looking for the shuttle boat after you've searched for your parking space.  The shuttle is like a train, it leaves at exactly the scheduled times.  If you arrive at the departure time, you'll miss the boat.  (If you have a reservation and you can't show up for it, then please give the courtesy of a phone call to cancel your reservation.  If you don't cancel your reservation, then no reservations will ever be accepted from you again).
  • Be sure to make your reservations with your Limo Shuttle Boat captain.  Be sure to post in the forum section where people are looking for a ride and maybe someone will see your posting and contact you offering you a ride.  Also, look through the list of people attending the party and in the section where people are offering rides that have room on their boat and are offering rides, shuttles, overnight accommodations and spare cabins, and coordinator everything directly with them by replying to their postings.  Remember that they need to plan for how many party guests need rides, so ONLY those with reservations can ride the shuttle.  If you don't have a reservation, then you don't have a ride, even if there is still room on the boat, as EVERYONE must have a reservation and bring your signed liability waiver as your boarding pass.
  • Be sure to read the link, Don't Have A Boat for more information that people without boats need.
  • To make your reservation on the Limo Shuttle Boat, first you will need to create a detailed profile with a recent photo and a recent avatar and make your postings on the Bulletin Board confirming your attendance by writing a thoughtful posting.  If you haven't done this, then don't bother even asking for a ride because no one will hold a reservation for anyone that doesn't have a photo and has not written a thoughtful posting on the Bulletin Board.  To be sure you know what a "Thoughtful Posting" is, go to the Definitions page and look at Gotta Nada, Lame Brain and Thoughtful Posting.
  • Your Boarding Pass:  Arrive with your signed liability waivers.  This is VERY IMPORTANT so don't forget to read this page and follow the instructions completely as this serves two purposes for you.  #1 it acts as your boarding pass to get on the shuttle boat, and #2 you need it to get your wristbands for the party.  No exceptions.  We do not have paper, pens, or waivers for you.  PLEASE print them out on your own computer and have them clearly & completely filled out with all requested information ready to hand to the Shuttle Captain before boarding the Limo Shuttle Boat.  If you have any blank spaces or your handwriting cannot be read, then your pass will have to be rejected.  Sorry, but those are the rules so be sure to fill it out clearly & completely.
  • How To Be A Welcome Passenger if you're riding on someone else's boat:
    1- Wear soft soled shoes, tennis or boat shoes, or soft rubber flip-flops are perfect.
    2- Pack light and bring your own towels & sun block and suntan lotions and oils.
    3- Bring enough food & alcohol for yourself and enough to share with others on the boat you're joining.
    4- If you are riding to another boat at the regatta, ask the captain if there is anything you need to bring.
    5- If a boat captain is expecting you, then be sure to show up otherwise he could have invited other passengers that wanted to go but he reserved that space for you.  So if for some reason you can't show up, then be sure to give the courtesy of a phone call to the captain to let him know you can't make it.
    6- REMEMBER... All the boaters at this party brought their own boat, food, drinks and supplies.  Since you are arriving WITHOUT A BOAT, then if you want to be welcome and invited on their boats, bring lots of food and drinks to share with everyone, otherwise you're just another hungry mouth for them to feed and take up space on their boat, and if that's the case, then unless you are arriving with a dozen playboy bunnies and porn stars with you, you won't likely find anyone wanting to adopt you to hang out on their boat all day.  So be smart and be courteous.  For a complete description of the worst kind of guest and the best kind of guest, Go To Definitions and read "Gooch The Mooch" & "Gracious Guest"
These Are Suggested Times To Help The Volunteer Captains Coordinate Your Ride.  If The Captain Of The Shuttle Ride You've Arranged Tells You A Different Time, Then Follow His Rules.
Departures Destination Departure Time
Haulover Marine Center Regatta Party 6:00 PM Friday
Haulover Marine Center Regatta Party 10:00 AM Saturday
Regatta Party Haulover Marine Center 6:00 PM Saturday
Haulover Marine Center Regatta Party 6:30 PM Saturday
Regatta Party Haulover Marine Center 10:00 AM Sunday
Haulover Marine Center Regatta Party 10:30 AM Sunday
Regatta Party Haulover Marine Center 5:00 PM Sunday

All shuttle boat rides are subject to WEATHER PERMITTING.
NO SHUTTLE BOAT WILL BE PERMITTED TO RUN DURING ANY BAD OR HAZERDOUS WEATHER.  If it is raining at a scheduled shuttle departure time, the new departure time will be when the rain stops, lol.

All Limo Shuttle Boat rides MUST be coordinated on your own through the forums.  Anyone who volunteers to perform shuttle boat duties, should show up on time and MUST NOT stand up their guests and passengers.  No matter what the weather is, it may be raining, it may be clearing, it may be thundering, it may be misty and it may be a perfect blue-sky. No matter what the weather is, the regatta is happening and the party is going on!

Remember... the ONLY locations that we use for any and all limo-boat duties is either the HAULOVER MARINE CENTER, where the boat ramps are, (you'll usually see boaters launching their boats) shown on this map, (click map to see a larger view), or the HAULOVER FUEL DOCKS, located 1/4 mile south of Haulover Marina and just north of the inlet, (also shown in the photo).  Make absolutely sure that you coordinate which location you will be meeting your boat captain for your ride, otherwise, you will be left out of the party, because your captain might be looking for you at the other location.

Directions to Haulover Marina:

Haulover Marine Center (aka Haulover Boat Ramps)

(305) 945-3934

15000 Collins Ave
Bal Harbour, FL 33154

From Fort Lauderdale, go south on I-95 to highway 826. Go east 5 miles to A1A, go south 1/2 mile to "Haulover Marine Beach Parking" signs on right, go to the south lot where the boat ramps are, (you'll usually see boaters launching their boats).  Pay $4.50 to park all day for cars and $8.00 if you have a car towing a trailer with a boat.  If you are going to be spending the night, then go to the very south end of this parking lot and if the gate is open, then go through the gates and park there, otherwise, park in a place that is out of the way and NOT taking up the space that a car with a boat trailer could be using.

Remember that everything first starts with creating a detailed profile with a photo and avatar on the Bulletin Board and making your thoughtful reservation posting requesting a boat to join and a ride to get there.

It all might sound a little overwhelming at first, but believe me when I tell you, that it's a bunch of fun, it's well organized, you'll make tons of new friends, and you'll wonder how you ever lived without Barbi's boat parties!!!