This Month's Totally Naked
Swinger's Boat Regatta & Sleep-Over Party!
Our Totally Naked boating regattas are so wild and fun and
have so much activity going on in so many different places,
that it's impossible to see, do and be part of everything.
This section is devoted to our wonderful boat club members that
submit their photos and videos that they shot with their
cameras, at each event for posting here to share with everyone
else so you can see what you might have missed. These
photos are not to be copied or shared or passed around... these
are only here for your personal viewing.
You can write to any of these
couples that took these photos by visiting the
Bella Vita Bulletin Board
and searching for their name there. It's a great way to
make new friends even before the next regatta!
Click Here to see what the
attendees of this regatta had to say about it!
The links to all the photo
galleries here give you a tiny idea of what happened at
just this one regatta. So make plans now to come to the
next one by registering on the
Bella Vita Bulletin Board and confirming your reservation.
To see the photo galleries that each of these couples submitted
just click the photo next to their name. Many thanks
to all our dear members that make these contributions to these
pages to help spread the word about these parties.
March 2012
Pirate's Return To Temptation Island
Wow, What A Super SeXXXY
HOT Party!!!
We were back at
Temptation Island and what a Wicked Wild & Hot
SeXXXY FUN Weekend!!!

Being back at our Own
ISLAND was great
Summer Time & Boating
Weather is upon us!!The
weekend brought Great People, Great Food, and Great
Click Photo Galleries Below |

Photos Were Submitted By Barbi |

These Photos Were
Submitted By NiceGuy |

These Photos Were Submitted By OhFlMan |
The party started
right away on Friday Night
with a very HOT & Sexxy "Happy Hour", onboard
where they
had the "Tequila Shots"
flowing. Thank You for the "one tequila, two
. Who knew Barbie
liked Tequila soooo much.

With 20 boats
filled with tons of fun party people, what
a way to start our "Return to Temptation Island
Pirate PARTY"
and our Bella Vita
Babes were some VERY HOT & SeXXXY Pirates!!!
I have never seen so many SeXXXy Pirates
all in one place. If you missed this
Party.....You Missed One HOT Pirate Party!!!
On Saturday,
Lovers1 and
ILikeWives were giving out & "applying"
very SeXXXy Tattoos. Thank YOU for sharing with
all of us. The "applying" of the Tattoos got the
Party started Early on Saturday.
You can get more of these SeXXXy Tatoos at . And be sure to tell them
that you are a member of the BellaVitaBoatClub
to get your special club member discount, saving
you 25% on your order.
"Thank You" to David&Cindy for ALL the GREAT
Pirate Party Decorations
for the boats.
WOW!!! You two had the entire raft up decorated
in theme. Plus the Gold Chocolate "booty" was
SUPER!!! Thanks for all your FUN!!!
The Party continued
late into Saturday Night, with
DJ BellaVitaBoy
the tunes, as the
Naked Bella Vita Pirate
Babes took over the "Barbie
Girl's" bar
. Dancing the night away, which always
seems to lead to
I truly think that some of the Hot & Sexxy Bella
Vita Babes never went to bed on Saturday night.
My Captain's
"Gold Star Award"
goes to
& MelKing!!!
A Big "THANK YOU", "Captains" for arriving with
waivers for each individual guest, printed,
filled out correctly & completely with donations
being attached and all in a nice file folder for
This was a GREAT way to say "HELLO" when you
rafted up.

You" to all of our BellaVita
"Grill Masters"
this weekend who shared with everyone
their delicious dishes, to
Bnaked4 for your delicious homemade
brownies, Colleen
for my favorite nachos & the hand
delivery to me,
for the super sweet apple turnovers,
NiceGuy for all your delicious cookies
AND for my "KrispyKremes",
macaroni salad & jello cake - great treat,
for your super chicken & steak shish kabobs &
veggies, SoulMates
for a
very tasty pork with rice & black beans,
Olvidelo for your
now "Famous" BarBQue Ribs, cerviche, & one of my
new favorite treats - strawberries with coconut
RUM, and SeaLife842 for your very talented
grilling skills on Saturday with the BarBQue
Ribs & also your super steak PLUS for
cleaning the grill too
. And to My
BellaVitaBoy's Sunday morning
Clothing-Optional Jimmy Buffet Breakfast Buffet,
of his Delicious Eggs Benedict made to order
with canadian bacon or salmon, fruits, danish,
and so much more!!!
of YOU can cook on my Grill anytime,

I must also say "Thank You" to my guests this
DoctorsOrders & NiceGuy who we enjoyed so
much being onboard the "BarbieGirl"
and hope that they can all join us again real
since the Bella Vita Boat Club is a non-profit
club that is ONLY able to operate solely by the
generous donations and contributions of its
thoughtful members, we are always so
appreciative of everyone that donates so
generously. An EXTRA Special
You" goes to
CTMCTM, David&Cindy,
Olvidelo who
went above and beyond by donating more than the
suggested amount this month! And a VERY Special
You" to
who made a
VERY SUPER-DUPER Generous donation of
$100.00 to help support the club!

Your generosity is
GREATLY Appreciated!
And never forget....
Rain or shine,
it's party time"!
BE sure to make your postings now
to register and attend Next
Month's SeXXXy Regatta
. The perfect way to
start off each month.
To those of you that
attended this month's party, please
help spread the word by taking a few minutes to tell others what
you thought of the weekend. It's postings like yours that help
let "nervous newbies" get comfortable to come join us.
Here then share your weekend party experience with everyone.
We'd love to hear your review and what you have to say!
And while you're here, don't
forget to register to come to next month's party! We've got some
special gifts to give you but ONLY if you register soon enough
to be on the first page of registrations. So register now to get
your free gift!!!
So don't wait
To see what everyone has to say about this party and all our
past parties,
Thank you everyone for making these monthly
parties the highlight of our month. We've made such
wonderful friends at these parties and thank all of
you for helping to make these parties the huge success
that they are.
Spread the word! Tell all your friends!
Tell them to get registered, Get posted, And GET NAKED
at our next party as they keep getting bigger and
bigger every month!!! |
Check Our These Videos
From Some Past Regattas!
June Regatta
1. Luscious Lacie's sweet ass
This Link
2. Barbi & Luscious Lacie dancing together,
Click Here
3. Regatta video,
Both videos are the same.
Choose the quality for your download speed & patience
Dial-Up 2
small low-resolution video-
2. DSL 2 minute large
high-resolution video-
5 megs
All three videos are the same.
Choose the quality for your download speed & patience
1. Dial-Up 2.5
small low-resolution video - 910k
2. DSL 2.5 minute larger
medium-resolution video - 2.7 megs
3. DSL 2.5 minute large
high-resolution video - 6.2 megs |
you so much to everyone that helps contribute to the fun of
these parties at the regattas and also by posting in these
forums to help spread the word.
Don't forget that Saturday Night is "Lingerie Night" so
ladies, bring your sexiest lingerie for Saturday night's
lingerie dance!
We look forward to seeing everyone next month!
We plan to be going on Friday and would love to have
everyone join us Friday night too, so make plans now and post
your confirmation and we'll see you then!
We hope to see everyone at our next regatta, and this just goes to show
you.... no matter what the weatherman says, we always manage to
slide on in there with picture perfect weather... if we say we're going to be there and
that there is going to be a "party", then you better believe
There Will Be A "PARTY"!!!
Barbie :)