These Are The Photos From Barbi's Camera Taken At Barbi's June
Naked Bikinis, Wienies & Martinis Regatta!

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p5200236.aviHere are a few photos from the wild swing convention in Orlando, that we gave full FREE convention passes to at our last boat party! 

And if you click this link, you can see a little video of the pool party!

Remember you can always win great big prizes at our parties. 
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If you were at last month's naked boat party, then YOU could have gotten free tickets to swing convention in Orlando TOO!!!
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And this month at our June Bikinis, Wienies & Martinis party, we gave away two unlimited convention packages to in Miami, and two unlimited convention packages to in Tampa!
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Members of the Bella Vita Boat Club know that "Membership Does Have Its Privileges".
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p6120612.aviThis weekend at Temptation Island, we knew it was going to be a super wild weekend when all Barbi's girlfriends began showing up and the fire department called Barbi on the radio and told her to come to the front of the boat so they could give her a special salute!!! 

Click this video of the fire department's
salute to Bella Vita Boat Club!
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On Friday night we had a record number of boats show up!  Remember that our party doesn't really officially start until Saturday, but we welcome everyone that wants to start the party early to join us on Friday, and 15 boats arrived on Friday to spend the entire weekend with us.  On Saturday the boats just kept coming, we stopped counting at 31 big boats, plus all the day boaters!
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