This Month's Totally Naked
Swinger's Boat Regatta & Sleep-Over Party!
Our Totally Naked boating regattas are so wild and fun and
have so much activity going on in so many different places,
that it's impossible to see, do and be part of everything.
This section is devoted to our wonderful boat club members that
submit their photos and videos that they shot with their
cameras, at each event for posting here to share with everyone
else so you can see what you might have missed. These
photos are not to be copied or shared or passed around... these
are only here for your personal viewing.
You can write to any of these
couples that took these photos by visiting the
Bella Vita Bulletin Board
and searching for their name there. It's a great way to
make new friends even before the next regatta!
Click Here for a shortcut to the forum to see what the
attendees of this regatta had to say about it!
The links to all the photo
galleries here give you a tiny idea of what happened at
just this one regatta. So make plans now to come to the
next one by registering on the
Bella Vita Bulletin Board and confirming your reservation.
To see the photo galleries that each of these couples submitted
just click the photo next to their name. Many thanks
to all our dear members that make these contributions to these
pages to help spread the word about these parties.
May 2011

I Can Say Is WOW!  |
Click Photo Galleries Below |

These Photos Were Submitted By
Barbi |
Wow, Another Great Hot
& SeXXXy Party Weekend!

Temptation Island was a Wicked, Wild & Hot SeXXXY
Party Place
like no Weekend ever before!!!
"Thank YOU" all you Hot & SeXXXy Bella Vita
Babes for an Incredible Weekend.
The weekend started
early on Friday with boats
arriving early in the
afternoon to Kick off the Party Weekend! We even had
arriving at Temptation Island when we arrived early
to set up the lines, talk about
"Eager Beavers",

The party started right away
on Friday Night with a very Hot "Happy
We even had a special
"Happy Retirement"
toast with champagne
for a very special long time Bella Vita Member
We wish her only the
Fun-Filled Days" ahead of her.
That started the Drinks a flowing
and the
"Barbie Girl's" bar overflowed with
wonderful & tasty Delights,
not to mention all the
food that was brought out, LOL. It was really a fun
night with what has become known as "Blow-Job
Friday" or "Felatio Friday", but whichever name you
call it... that's sure what it was! And then
brought out his
new DJ equipment
and I never saw so many Hot & SeXXXy Bella Vita
Babes on the
"BarbieGirl's" Bar,
dancing like only they could
. No words can describe it, you had to see it to
believe it...
What a GREAT Way to
start a Party Weekend!!!
Saturday Afternoon
brought out the sun,
and the Prize Wheel
provided by
... All
you had to do was spin the wheel and everyone won a
prize!!! Congratulations go
out to the two BIG Prize Winners......
RYC for winning
the $3,000 valued trip to Caliente in the Dominican
Republic for 8 days & 7 nights and also to
Colleen for
winning the $900 valued trip to Caliente in Tampa
for 4 days & 3 nights. ENJOY!!! Other
prizes included a bucket full of StartBrite Boat
Cleaning products sponsored by
passes to Trapeze Club,
discount travel to Calienta in Tampa, shirts, hats,
drink coupons to Hot & Sexy Strip Clubs in the area,
you name it, you won it.
A BIG "Thank YOU"
again to
Saturday Night turned
into an extension of Friday night,
BellaVitaBoy REALLY
put the new DJ sound system to the test ans he began
the music and pushed it to the limit, the
Girl's" Bar filled with the SeXXXy &
Hot Bella Vita Babes and the Party was in full
. I don't think that another couple could have fit
on the Barbie Girl's dive platform, there were so
many of us on it, we were tilting it into the
water!!! A great problem to have, LOL.
There was so much food being brought over to the
Girl's" Bar, that we "grazed" all
weekend. Thank you Colleen
for your delicious Pizza, Mexican Nachos, both mine
& BellaVitaBoy's
favorite and then your Brunch Pizza, WOW you out did
yourself this weekend, to
gc2161 for their super duper Deer Meat
wrapped in bacon, YES, you just stole this lil'
country girl's heart & stomach, lol, LOVED IT, made
me "homesick" for Bama,
NewHobby for their delicious waffles on
Sunday morning, & bringing out your frozen margarita
machine & making frozen drinks for everyone, LOVED
the "mango", David&Cindy
as always Delicious homemade cocktail sause
for the shrimp, and Yardy
for the fresh baked bread she made before
coming out on Saturday, WOW!!! So many of you
brought over trays & treats all weekend, I could not
keep up with who brought what, the food just kept
"appearing" and
to all of you for your generousity and
for making the Bella Vita Boat Club Regattas what
they are.
A Big "Hats Off"
to my BellaVitaBoy,
who still made his delicious Burrito Omelets, even
when the winds blew so, that he could not keep his
griddle hot outside, so he moved breakfast inside
the cabin.
What a PERFECT way to spend a Weekend!!!
Seeing old friends, A BIG
"Welcome Back" to
Colleen, DavidAndCindy,
DonJulie, Lisa, NVME,
Rob&Jenn, RYC, and
SeaCure69, we missed you guys.
And it was great meeting all
the "Newbies" of Bella Vita Boat Club that
came for their first time...
to AlFrace,
boobaluu, BigJay, Fippet,
Rob, ScubaCouple2, Yardy, and theSportFisher (be
sure to register & get a BellaVita Name),
what a great addition all of you make to our sexy
little family of friends. We hope to see all of our
new Bella Vita friends again next month so, be sure
to make your postings now to register to attend.
Remember that the sooner you post, the more other
people sign up and the bigger the party will be!
BE sure to make your postings now
to register and attend Next
Month's SeXXXy Regatta
. The perfect way to
start off each month.

And never forget.... Rain or shine,
it's party time"! |
To those of you that
attended this month's party, please
help spread the word by taking a few minutes to tell others what
you thought of the weekend. It's postings like yours that help
let "nervous newbies" get comfortable to come join us.
Here then share your weekend party experience with everyone.
We'd love to hear your review and what you have to say!
And while you're here, don't
forget to register to come to next month's party! We've got some
special gifts to give you but ONLY if you register soon enough
to be on the first page of registrations. So register now to get
your free gift!!!
So don't wait
To see what everyone has to say about this party and all our
past parties,
Thank you everyone for making these monthly
parties the highlight of our month. We've made such
wonderful friends at these parties and thank all of
you for helping to make these parties the huge success
that they are.
Spread the word! Tell all your friends!
Tell them to get registered, Get posted, And GET NAKED
at our next party as they keep getting bigger and
bigger every month!!! |
Check Our These Videos
From Some Past Regattas!
June Regatta
1. Luscious Lacie's sweet ass
This Link
2. Barbi & Luscious Lacie dancing together,
Click Here
3. Regatta video,
Both videos are the same.
Choose the quality for your download speed & patience
Dial-Up 2
small low-resolution video-
2. DSL 2 minute large
high-resolution video-
5 megs
All three videos are the same.
Choose the quality for your download speed & patience
1. Dial-Up 2.5
small low-resolution video - 910k
2. DSL 2.5 minute larger
medium-resolution video - 2.7 megs
3. DSL 2.5 minute large
high-resolution video - 6.2 megs |
you so much to everyone that helps contribute to the fun of
these parties at the regattas and also by posting in these
forums to help spread the word.
Don't forget that Saturday Night is "Lingerie Night" so
ladies, bring your sexiest lingerie for Saturday night's
lingerie dance!
We look forward to seeing everyone next month!
We plan to be going on Friday and would love to have
everyone join us Friday night too, so make plans now and post
your confirmation and we'll see you then!
We hope to see everyone at our next regatta, and this just goes to show
you.... no matter what the weatherman says, we always manage to
slide on in there with picture perfect weather... if we say we're going to be there and
that there is going to be a "party", then you better believe
There Will Be A "PARTY"!!!
Barbie :)