Weather Was Perfect!
The weather was perfect all weekend, from when we
arrived on Thursday afternoon, until we left on Monday.
It was sweltering hot!
Normally there are 5,000 boats at this once a
year humongous regatta. In 2007 the weatherman scared
most of the people away with horrible weather
predictions so there was only about 1,500 boats. Then
last year the weather prediction was for great weather,
but with the high price of fuel at $4.50 - $5.25 per
gallon and there were about 2,500 - 3,000 boats. Now
this year the fuel prices have come down to a "somewhat"
reasonable price of $2.35 - $3.50 but the economy is in
such a dump that the party still has not recovered back
to its previous size of over 5,000 boats. I think there
might have been about 2,000 boats, and with an average
of 4 people per boat, well... 8,000 people is still
enough to have a wild party!

We had 6 separate raft-ups from Bella Vita that each had
their own Fab-5, and everyone enjoyed hopping from Fab-5
to Fab-5 visiting all the different groups and coming
together at our Fab-5 for some pretty wild and Sexy
dance parties