party was bigger than the normal winter month parties
with several new boaters joining us and many of our
regular friends. Those that attended Friday night were
sure in for a big surprise as Friday turned out to be
the big orgy night with tons of wild fun!
A special thank you to Bear5 who on Saturday
night cooked an unbelievably delicious full course
meal feeding everyone at the entire regatta on their
beautiful yacht. They had huge chateaubriand steaks,
ceasar salad, smashed potatoes, it was fabulously
delicious and so generous of them.
A special thank you to SunNFunFL2 who made a
delicious seafood medley for everyone at the entire
regatta on Saturday for lunch. If you like shrimp,
muscles, clams, scallops and fish, then this was the
ultimate meal for you. Nobody goes away hungry when
Sandy is cooking! You can see many of Sandy's special
recipes for many of her famous dishes she's prepared
for everyone at our parties by going to:
if that wasn't enough, on Sunday morning, once
again Sandy fed everyone at the entire regatta cooking
omelets and potato pancakes and sausage for everyone.
A MILLION thank-yous to you Sandy and Mark. Your
generous contributions to these parties is so very
much appreciated by everyone. Thank you!
Thank you to Nauti2 who always brings such
wonderful tasty special h'orderves for everyone and
walks from boat to boat severing everyone your
wonderful treats. And thank you for bringing TONS of
bundled firewood so we had HUGE bonfires both Friday &
Saturday night for everyone to enjoy.
Thank you to Exumas_Bahamas for your special
homemade pinapple marmalade cake with coconut rum...
Thank you Majik for your DELICIOUS grilled skirt
steak... all we can say is FANTASTIC!!! Do It Again

Thank you Captain Bob for bringing the
fluorescent neon glow necklaces for everyone. Saturday
night's party was lit up like a Christmas tree thanks
to Captain Bob passing out these glow in the dark
necklaces. Be sure to check out the photos to see what
we mean.
So as you can see from all the generous
contributions that everyone makes that I mentioned
above, that these parties are really a "community
affair". Everyone does something special and
contributes to help make these events the fun
successful parties that they are. We are so very
thankful for our little Bella Vita "Extended Family"
and we wish you all a very happy New Year as we say
goodbye to 2007 and we look forward to seeing everyone
next year in 2008 for our very first party of the new
year in Jaunary.
And remember that if you like a smaller, less
"intimidating" party, then you better hurry up and
come to one of these winter parties. They are a really
nice, fun way to get to know everyone in a relaxed and
very comfortable atmosphere with "no pressure".