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There have been 1 items by hoggman21 (Search limited from 27-September 23)

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#8067 March 15th-17th 2013 Naked Swinger's Regatta And Sleep-Over Slumber Party...

Posted by hoggman21 on March 15 2013 - 07:23 PM in Previous Confirmations - See All The Hotties That Have Attended!

Hello All!
My name is John and I am a 46 year old newbie to Hollywood Florida having just moved here from Tenn. I have been a lifestyler for many years and know the respect that comes not only with playing around like minded people but also around other peoples boats. I have been to Hedo more than 15 times and am a regular on Haulover beach. I have also been to Fantasyfest more times than I can count and actually built the float for Captn Tonys last year. Needless to say I know how to party nekid! lol. I will try to bring some female friends but as I am new here it may be unlikely. I am as you say a "single sailor" pronounced with an 's' sound not a 'Th', lol. I do have a boat. It is a blue day cruiser, a 22 foot Maxum Bow rider called Lil Doc. It will hold 8 people seated. IAs long as the weather holds out I will be sleeping aboard her. I also have a 3 person Wave Runner. I will be bringing both. I have found on our raft outs in Tennessee that it is sometimes helpful to have a jet ski available to run people back and forth to the dock or boat to boat, ect if they need to. If anyone needs some transportation let me know. I have to run back to my shop twice to put first my boat in and then my jet ski and will be doing this by myself so please be patient with me. I will be bringing my own food and plenty of booze ect. I am not a moocher, hehe. I also would be willing to help out taxiing folks to and from the raft out. Just let me know what I need to do. This will be the first oportunity to get my boat out on the water here although I have had my ski out many times. I have 3 anchors and plenty of bumpers. Well I think I have covered everything. Thank you so much for your time. I look forward to seeing all of you.
John (mclovin2180 on sls)