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There have been 2 items by deedee (Search limited from 28-September 23)

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#1384 March 3rd 2007 Naked Swinger's Regatta And Sleep-Over Slumber Party Weeke...

Posted by deedee on February 26 2007 - 09:51 PM in Previous Confirmations - See All The Hotties That Have Attended!

Hey Barbie and Fredrick,

Dee and Rob here - Rob was able to switch his call for Saturday. So were cumming!!!

Robs new boat probably won't be ready. They have to install the electronics. We are planning to stay with Rick and Millie. Driving down to Hauloevr early sat. and

actively lookong for a shuttle ride.

We can't resist a sexy lingerie party :z-LolLolLolLol:

Dee and Rob

#1405 March 3rd 2007 Naked Swinger's Regatta And Sleep-Over Slumber Party Weeke...

Posted by deedee on February 27 2007 - 04:29 PM in Previous Confirmations - See All The Hotties That Have Attended!

:trampoline: Fingers are crossed for this weekend! If the planets line up correctly, I'll be coming out from Haulover on Friday night, or Saturday Morning at the latest. Unfortunately, I must also leave on Saturday evening :funmeter2:
On the plus side, I hope to be bringing extra women with me, and will continue to be available for Haulover Taxi service as well. :funmeter2:


Will you be at Haulover on sat am?
Hoping to get a ride to the regatta.

Dee and Rob