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#2863 December 1st '07 Naked Swinger's Regatta And Sleep-Over Slumber Party...

Posted by boatersintheskin on November 28 2007 - 05:54 PM in Previous Confirmations - See All The Hotties That Have Attended!

Hi Everyone!! :tiphat:

We are very new to this - we joined earlier today. We are, however, not holding back on jumping in headfirst.

We are really looking forward to meeting what seems to be an extremely friendly bunch of folks that we can eat, drink and be merry with.

We hope it's not too late to register for the December 1st Party and we are hoping to get out on Saturday Morning, leaving from Bayside Marina in Miami, then to Haulover Marina and on to paradise.

As we have plenty of space on our 48 footer and that we have not had the chance to meet anyone from the group yet we would like to hear from couples or females who want either a ride to the event or to stay aboard for the duration - we're going to make sure we have plenty of food and drink and could use a few spare hands to help out.

We hope to hear from you soon and from anyone wanting to stay aboard.

Mike & Shari xoxox

:2tits: :D