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There have been 2 items by ESCAPADE (Search limited from 28-September 23)

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#2886 December 1st '07 Naked Swinger's Regatta And Sleep-Over Slumber Party...

Posted by ESCAPADE on November 30 2007 - 03:32 PM in Previous Confirmations - See All The Hotties That Have Attended!

December 1st 2007 Regatta

Please confirm your attendance here for the this TOTALLY NAKED regatta by clicking below on the red and blue flashing "Post Here / Add Reply" button at the top and bottom of this page that looks like this - Posted Image.

PLEASE Remember
Don't get left out, registration is free for first timers. Just register a detailed and thoughtful posting here and helped "spread the word".

Please Note... Since this is a Naked Party ONLY for fun & exciting people, any skimpy or lame boring postings that say nothing about you or just say, "we're coming, can't wait" will NOT let you attend the party for free. We only have fun, energetic, exciting, sexy people at these parties, so ONLY those types of party invitations will be accepted to attend for free. For a complete definition of what a "thoughtful posting" is and a "boring or lame" posting is, go to BellaVitaBoatClub.com/definitions.htm and look at "Gotta Nada", "Lame Brain" and "Thoughtful Postings".

Don't get left out baby! Don't Miss The Boat!!! See for yourself what everyone has been saying about these parties by going to the "Past Party-Goer" section. Take a look at everyone that's been coming to all our past parties. THAT will show you what you've been missing.

THEN Click the red and blue flashing "Post Here/Add Reply" button, that looks like this, Posted Image located on the right at either the top or bottom of this page, and let everyone know that you're coming to this wild Weekend Regatta Slumber Party. Tell a little bit about yourself, what you've experienced at our past parties, and if this is your first party, then why you are excited to attend and...
Lets Get Ready ToY NAKED!!! :tiphat:

#2756 December 1st '07 Naked Swinger's Regatta And Sleep-Over Slumber Party...

Posted by ESCAPADE on November 05 2007 - 10:18 AM in Previous Confirmations - See All The Hotties That Have Attended!

Hi, We are new members, Maureen & Rich (ESCAPADE) and are looking forward to attending our first Regatta, the December 1st Naked Regatta. We think the Bella Vita Boat Club is a great idea and are anxious to meet all of its members. Although we are new members, we'd like to offer our help, if needed. We dock quite close to Temptation Island, so if anyone needs a ride we will be leaving for Temptation Island on Saturday, around 11:00 AM. Contact us if we can be of assistance.(561-707-9593) See you all Saturday.............. :trampoline: