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There have been 2 items by Sal&Marie (Search limited from 28-September 23)

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#2716 November 3rd '07 Naked Swinger's Regatta And Sleep-Over Slumber Party...

Posted by Sal&Marie on October 30 2007 - 09:12 AM in Previous Confirmations - See All The Hotties That Have Attended!

Hi All

CONFIRMATION Hummm, We want to come, just having weather issues with the storm so close. being that it looks like the only way is via the ICW we are not sure. 3 to 5 ft outside hummmm sounds like a long trip from Boynton. Can someone tell me what we might be looking at via the ICW, from Boynton to the Regatta, hours?

Sal and Marie

#2733 November 3rd '07 Naked Swinger's Regatta And Sleep-Over Slumber Party...

Posted by Sal&Marie on November 01 2007 - 04:26 PM in Previous Confirmations - See All The Hotties That Have Attended!

We are nubies, hope we didn't wait to long to participate in the next regatta; but just got back from Key West and we weren't sure if we could handle another wild weekend. :trampoline: We saw you guys out there in September and would have loved to join the party, but we hadn't made advanced arrangements and didn't want to intrude. We did anchor on the island next to Temptation Island and watched from afar for a while, wishing someone would invite us over. Looking forward to joining in this weekend, if Noel doesn't screw things up.

We have a 20' center console and no dive platform. See you all Saturday.

Stuart and Glenda


1st Thank you for the welcome

2nd with the new genarator in the livingroom ready for the boat. We still might not make it :z-welcome:

Marie left for fwork Monday , mid-day she was on a plane for Dallas, Then a meeting till 11pm got up Tuesday had a meeting from 8am till 10 pm , Wedesday she got up at 3am got on a 6 am flight back to Reston,VA . from the airport I drove her to the office for more meetings and back to our temp home in VA for a few hours. Got up at 5 am for a flight back to home . boynton beach. Two more confrence call meeting and work it over till tomorrow.

Shockingly Marie isn't feeling well after such an easy week. not sure if its the 9 hours sleep she's gotten or the flying around all week. But we will see if she's coming down with something or lack of sleep thats making her feel sick.

We are 50 - 50 about Saturday and we Will be in Bonaire the week of the Dec Regatta, so we may not get to meet you all till next year

Sal And Marie

have fun and be safe if we don't make it