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There have been 3 items by flapomp (Search limited from 26-September 23)

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#4143 March Friday 13th '09 Naked Swinger's Regatta And Sleep-Over Slumber...

Posted by flapomp on March 09 2009 - 08:34 PM in Previous Confirmations - See All The Hotties That Have Attended!

Hello all! As always, looking forward to seeing all the fun people that attend the regatta!! Looks like I will be down for Saturday. It seems like it has been forever since I got to go to the party! I will be leaving Haulover inlet on Saturday morning. Let me know if anyone needa a ride from there or back there at night. Looking forward to it and cant wait for Saturday! I should have 2 single ladys with me and it will be their first time to this great event! Looks like the warmer weather is almost apon us so I cant wait to get back in the water!!!See you all soon!!!!!!

#3652 August 8th '08 Naked Swinger's Regatta And Sleep-Over Slumber Party W...

Posted by flapomp on August 04 2008 - 03:01 PM in Previous Confirmations - See All The Hotties That Have Attended!

Hello all! Havent had the chance to get to a regatta in a while but looks like I can make it to this one! I had my props on my boat stolen last night and should have them back on there by Friday...Damn theives!Looks like I will be down for Saturday. I will be leaving from Haulover Marina and can also give rides out from Haulover inlet. Send me your email if you need a ride. Looking forward to it and cant wait for Saturday! Hope the weather will be good for the weekend! See you all soon!!!!!!

#3236 April 11th '08 Naked Swinger's Regatta And Sleep-Over Slumber Party W...

Posted by flapomp on April 08 2008 - 11:19 AM in Previous Confirmations - See All The Hotties That Have Attended!

Hello all! It was great to see am meet new at the January Regatta! Had a great time and looking forward to another one! Looks like I will be down for Saturday. I will be leaving from Lauderdale and can also give rides out from Haulover inlet. Looking forward to it and cant wait for Saturday! Guess the wather is finally getting warmer and we can all get back in the water! See you all soon!!!!!!