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There have been 4 items by donjulie (Search limited from 28-September 23)

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#5912 May 13th-15th 2011 Pants On The Ground Naked Swinger's Regatta Weekend!

Posted by donjulie on May 09 2011 - 10:55 AM in Previous Confirmations - See All The Hotties That Have Attended!

WOO HOO another Bellavita Raft Up party by Barbie and Frederick. We were so bummed we missed April and are looking forward to making up for lost time this weekend. Not sure if we'll be arriving Friday or Saturday morning. Either way, these parties are the best and not for the faint of heart..........
We can't wait to see everyone again at one of our favorite events.

Don & Julie

#7093 February 10th-12th 2012 Valentine's Full Moon Swinger's Regatta And S...

Posted by donjulie on January 31 2012 - 04:00 PM in Previous Confirmations - See All The Hotties That Have Attended!

The fabulous PINK PARTY AT JIMBO'S, can it get any better...... Barbie and Bellavita boy throw the greatest parties. And we sure have missed going since we sold our boat :angry: . We would love to come by and say hello to all our friends. What is the shuttle schedule. And maybe we can find a little corner to leave a cooler and a bag?????

#5963 June 10th-12th 2011 Bikinis, Wienies & Martinis Naked Swinger's Regat...

Posted by donjulie on May 17 2011 - 09:44 PM in Previous Confirmations - See All The Hotties That Have Attended!

Count us in too, we'll be there Friday and this time staying till Sunday. Even better, with 100 pizza's coming Julie wuill not have to cook. She will be very greatful to Bellavita Boy!!!!!! And of course, Don will be bringing the weinie..........
As always, we love these weekend boat get aways. So relaxing :animated-missionary: , exciting :bouncingh2oboobies: and nothing but excitement!!!!!!
We can't wait to see all our Bellavita friends for this June raft up. LET'S PARTY!!!!!!!!!!!!

#6061 June 10th-12th 2011 Bikinis, Wienies & Martinis Naked Swinger's Regat...

Posted by donjulie on June 03 2011 - 09:31 PM in Previous Confirmations - See All The Hotties That Have Attended!

MRS ZIN is always welcome to Don "WEINIE" and Mr ZIN is always welcome to ring Julie's Bell and whistle!!!!! Always a pleasure to see you guys and all our bellavita friends. Let the party BEGIN!!!!!!!

I love Dons Weinie and Jingle Bells party tricks too :z-omg:
We would love to attend Barbies Big Birthday Bash. We have been to several Bella Vita Birthdays and they do not dissapoint. :thongandheels:
Our goal is Friday night as well. I'll be scouring the web for a kewl martini receipe.